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Large-scale Infrastructure

Swedish Material Science Beamline P21


Beamline dedicated to materials research using high-energy x-rays in two branch lines.
The inline branch operates in the energy range of 40 - 150 keV and is designed for the combination of WAXS, SAXS, and Imaging techniques. Broad and narrow bandwidth monochromatic beams can be combined with various point and line focusing options. The downstream "diffraction station" provides flexible positioning of various detector types including a SAXS camera 15 m behind the sample position. An interface diffractometer is optimized for grazing incidence geometries, and may also be used as multi-purpose instrument. Both instruments can also support medium sized sample environments (up to a weight of few hundred kg). Larger sample environments can later be operated in the upstream "roll in" station.
The side branch operates with a fixed photon energies of 52 keV, 85 keV, and 100 keV. A set-up for high-energy x-ray diffraction is utilized for studies of single crystals, amorphous materials liquids and nanocrystalline matter. It comprises a heavy load sample stage and a detector stage with both point and area detectors.

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