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    Presentations from seminar 9/5 2023

    The 9th of may 2023, 5 speakers talked on how Large Scale Research Infrastructures can support Life Science SMEs. The seminar was part of the project, MAXESS SmiLe: SMEs to LSRI. The project and seminar was co-funded by The European Union and Region Skåne. Below you can find the presentations as well as some possible follow-up actions.

    The project is a collaboration between MAX IV, SmiLe Incubator, Science Village Scandinavia AB and ESS.


    • Check out for some good examples of what can be done at MAX IV and ESS (in the future) and equivalent researchinfrastructure.
    • Register (here) to the SciLifeLab Day Lund September 28 2023.
    • Find your contacts at MAX IV Industry Office (here)
    • Follow Smile Incubator on Linkedin and contact Per, Martina or Sara here

    Speakers and downloads

    Magnus Larsson, Head of Industrial Relations @ MAX IV Industry office

    Per Brunmark, Director Core Facilities @ SmiLe Incubator
    Per talked about the ongoing project, SmiLe Incubator and the MAXESS-platform.
    Download presentation here

    Marc Obiols, Industrial Relations Officer @ MAX IV Industry office
    Marc talked about the capabilities of MAX IV in relation to Life Science research needs – explaining in some detail what can be done with the existing and future beamlines. He described the operation of MAX IV as well as the two primary ways of accessing and using the facility – Open Call and Proprietary.
    Download presentation here

    Esko Oksanen, Instrument Scientist – Macromolecular Crystallography @ ESS
    Esko talked about the utility of neutrons in relation to Life Science research, he explained the difference between neutrons (ESS) and x-rays (MAX IV, DESY) and the implications of that. He also described different techniques, among others (neutron-) scattering, reflectometry and imaging.
    Download presentation here

    Esther González-Padilla, Site Coordinator @ SciLifeLab Lund
    Esther talked about the extensive network of research capabilities that can accessed through SciLifeLab. She described the structure of SciLifeLab with its technology platforms, collaborative model and its three main pillars Research, Data-driven life science and infrastructure.
    Download presentation here

    MAXESS SmiLe: SMEs to LSRI

    MAXESS SmiLe: SMEs to LSRI is a multi-year project funded by The European Union and Region Skåne.