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    Industry access to world-leading research facilities

    MAXESS is a joint access point for industry to the large-scale research infrastructures MAX IV, ESS, DESY, and the associated networks.

    Discover cases, resources, and our network of experts

    Metallurgy and Mining

    Using neutrons to tackle hydrogen embrittlement

    Nov 2018 - Nov 2019

    The steel producer SSAB with the help of Swerim AB and Malmö University learns more about how to prevent hydrogen embrittlement from limiting the potential of the company’s high-strength steel products. They turned to neutron diffraction to study the material in unique ways.  A challenge to high-strength steel Hydrogen embrittlement is a complex process where materials such as steel are embrittled after being exposed to hydrogen. […]

    Energy Applications

    A greener laser welding process

    Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, HEREON, DESY
    Jan 2023 - Sep 2024

    A collaboration of the laser specialist Trumpf, the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT), the Chair of Laser Technology at RWTH Aachen and Hereon used X-ray videography at PETRA III to find a better for the Laser welding process of copper metal-ceramic welds in electrical vehicles.

    Chemistry and Catalysis

    Catalyst under synchrotron light

    Haldor Topsøe

    Haldor Topsoe and PETRA III scientist came togehter to investigate an important catalyst for steam reforming by XAFS.