Send us your feedback
Here you can send us feedback on the Maxess-website. Please describe the problem or what’s missing in a clear way, and on what page you found the issue. Thank you so much for your help!
About us
MAXESS is an evolving national arena supporting and facilitating industrial use of the large-scale research infrastructures MAX IV and ESS and their eco-system as well as international infrastructures with Swedish involvement.
The MAXESS web platform is being developed into a one-stop-shop where industrial partners can find available national resources, competences, partners and activities.
MAXESS is a collaboration between the European Spallation Source, MAX IV Laboratory, RISE, Science Village Scandinavia, Center for X-rays in Swedish Materials Science (a collaborative venture between KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Linköping University), and Lund University and we are open for new industrial and academic partners.

Contact Magnus Larsson @ MAX IV regarding the MAXESS Industry Arena-project .
Contact Ludvig Duregård @ Science Village regarding the MAXESS-website .
The development of MAXESS web platform is funded by Region Skåne.
The development project MAXESS SmiLe: SMEs to LSRI is done in cooperation between MAXESS and SmiLe. Read more about the project here.