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    Industry access to world-leading research facilities

    MAXESS is a joint access point for industry to the large-scale research infrastructures MAX IV, ESS, DESY, and the associated networks.

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    Bio-based materials and polymers

    Improved packaging products using X-ray scattering techniques  

    Tetra Pak
    Aug 2019 - Dec 2020

    Most polymer-based packaging opening devices are produced by injection moulding. The packaging company Tetra Pak and Chalmers University used small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) to learn more about injection moulding processes and improve the properties and composition of opening devices.  

    Industrial production and Manufacturing

    Increasing paperboard durability using neutron imaging 

    BillerudKorsnäs, LTH/Lunds Universitet
    Nov 2018 - Nov 2019

    Cellulose-based paperboard is a renewable, recyclable, and durable packaging material. Scientists from the packaging provider company, BillerudKorsnäs, and researchers from Lund University have used neutron imaging to explore ways to make this material better resist water.  Bridging knowledge gaps with neutron imaging   Paperboard is one of our most widely used packaging materials for packaging food and beverage products, including juices, milk, and cereal. The packages are […]

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    XANES provided insights on mixing recycled material

    Nov 2020 - Sep 2020

    Stone wool is an insulation material made from melted natural stone. The stone wool company Paroc AB wanted to gain deeper insights into how the iron in stone wool products can be affected by mixing recycled material containing  a polyvalent element and chose to use X-ray absorption spectroscopy in collaboration with RISE and MAX IV. The popular insulation material stone wool is made from natural […]