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Ore geological expertise – LTU

Luleå University of Technology


We have worked with mineral exploration and trace metals in ore deposits for over 20 years, using microanalytical techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS/WDS), electron microprobe (EPMA), Laser Ablation ICP MS and x-ray microtomography. Lately, we have also used techniques such as synchrotron-based nano-XRF (NanoMAX, MAX IV), which is a novel tool within geoscience, to look at the distribution of trace elements in high spatial resolution. To analyze metals that are of interest for the shift into renewable energy sources require a detailed characterization, but the same type of characterization can also be used as important input data in a number of different fields. Research projects that we are involved in then also relate to the environment (arsenic in mine waste, life cycle analysis of the mining value chain), recycling of metals (gold, silver and rare earth elements in electronic waste), climate (biofuel-related CO2 capture and storage, BECCS/CCS) and others.

Chemistry and Catalysis | Metallurgy and Mining

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