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    Advancing Drug Formulations with X-ray Techniques

    Challenge: Understanding Drug Stability

    In the pharmaceutical industry, ensuring drug stability is crucial for both efficacy and safety. Traditional methods often lack the precision needed to fully understand the complex structures within drug formulations. This project aimed to delve into the nanostructures of these formulations, seeking to uncover insights that could lead to more stable and effective drugs. By focusing on the molecular arrangements, the project addressed a critical need for improved pharmaceutical reliability.

    Utilizing X-ray Techniques at cSAXS at PSI

    AstraZeneca and Chalmers University of Technology collaborated to leverage the advanced capabilities of the Swiss Light Source (SLS). The experiments were conducted at the cSAXS beamline, known for its high-resolution X-ray scattering techniques. Imaging techniques were also employed to visualize the distribution of drug domains across macroscopic samples, providing a comprehensive view of the formulations’ internal structures.

    The team used a combination of X-ray scattering methods, including Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD), specifically tailored to pharmaceutical formulations. This approach allowed for a detailed examination of the molecular and crystalline structures, helping to identify factors influencing drug stability.

    Enhancing Drug Development

    The collaboration successfully identified key structural elements that play a role in drug stability. These findings offer valuable insights that can be applied to improve drug formulation processes, potentially leading to more robust and effective pharmaceuticals. The project not only contributes to setting new standards in the industry but also strengthens the collaborative efforts between academia and industry, fostering an environment for future innovations in pharmaceutical development.

    Advantage of Synchrotrons over Lab-scale Equipment

    Using a synchrotron like the Swiss Light Source provided several advantages over traditional lab-scale equipment. The high-intensity X-ray beams and the use of nano-Tomography allowed for faster data collection and higher resolution imaging, revealing intricate details of the drug formulations that are often missed with conventional methods. This enhanced capability enabled a more comprehensive understanding of the molecular structures, leading to more precise identification of factors affecting drug stability.

    The synchrotron’s ability to perform rapid and detailed analysis significantly accelerates the research process, offering a clear edge in developing more effective pharmaceutical solutions.

    Backed by: Sweden’s Innovation Agency, Vinnova, to enhance industrial use of MAX IV and ESS facilities and similar facilitites.

    Pharma and Biotechnology

    Case Details

    Jun 2019 - Jun 2020

      Astra Zeneca

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