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Consultation & CRO

Chalmers Industriteknik

Gothenburg, Sweden


Chalmers Industriteknik offers academic expertise as consultants within the areas of Energy, Materials, Digitalisation, Design and Circular Economy. We are making tomorrow ready for the future.

We have nearly 100 employees, half of whom are PhDs, and our annual revenue is about 110 million.

Operations are divided into a core, Commercial R&D, and three subsidiaries: Boid, CIT Energy Management och CIT Industriell Energi.

As a foundation, founded in 1984 by Chalmers University of Technology, we have no formal owner. Our operations are based on our statutes, which define our mission:

-Research and development for industry on commercial terms
-Enhance Chalmers’ ties with the business community
-Be the commercial entry point to Chalmers

Our board has representatives from both business and the university.

Bio-based materials and polymers | Chemistry and Catalysis | Construction Materials | See more tags

Offer / Action

Chalmers Industriteknik, is the link between academia at Chalmers and the companies in and around the region. Trying to make the research available to the companies and helping the companies to get into contact with the correct competence at Chalmers. We assist and collaborate in both small and large projects regarding material optimization and to develop their products. I have previously in my research used large-scale facilities (techniques of QENS, INS, Spin-Echo, Neutron diffraction, SAXS) in material science projects, utilizing the instruments to get a more complete picture of the properties of the materials. I think this knowledge needs to be utilized more extensively by the companies in Sweden and I would like to work as the link in between, helping with the measurements, analyses but also to spread the knowledge of what can be achieved with neutron scattering and synchrotron measurements.