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Consultation & CRO


EMBL, Hamburg


Our highly competent and experienced team offers an in-depth quantitative characterization of the behavior and structure of biological macromolecules, polymers and nanoparticles in solutions. We utilize the expertise of the SAXS group of the EMBL Hamburg, a recognized centre of excellence in synchrotron solution X-ray scattering and access to the world's most brilliant synchrotron allows us complete sample characterization.
Our 96-well plate reader as part of the robotic sample changer combined with the automated data analysis pipeline supports high throughput screening.
With our in-line size exclusion chromatography set-up equipped with light scattering, UV-absorption and refractometric detectors we offer a multipronged characterization of the different fractions within a sample.

The BIOSAXS team not only has many years of hands-on experience in this technology but also a strong background in training of candidates from pharma and biotech companies as well as academic groups. According to your needs we offer customized training courses covering all aspects of SAXS experiments.

Bio-based materials and polymers | Pharma and Biotechnology