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Instruments using synchrotron radiation are operated at the outstation at DESY in Hamburg and instruments using neutrons are located at the outstation at the FRM II in Garching near Munich.
From tradition Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon co-operates with industry, authorities and other institutions on the basis of flexibly created co-operating contracts or just of orders. At GEMS special services are offered to partners using the unique capabilities of photons (synchrotron radiation) and neutrons.
Take advantage of the latest developments in engineering materials science. We offer your company access to two of Europe’s most powerful synchrotron and neutron radiation sources to solve your materials problems with cutting-edge research.
The characterisation of structural and functional materials such as metals, ceramics, polymers, soft matter and thin films, as well as properties like textures, residual stress and magnetism, etc. is needed by developers in the steel and metal industry, in the chemical industry, in the information technology to design e.g. new alloys, polymers, nanocomposites or data memories. The GEMS instruments are suitable tools for these purposes.
We offer access to and support at our synchrotron and neutron instruments at our outstation at DESY in Hamburg and instruments using neutrons are located at our outstation at the FRM II in Garching near Munich.