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Large-scale Infrastructure

P05 – Imaging Beamline (IBL)

German Engineering Materials Science Centre


For the development of new materials it is essential to understand their inner structure. X-ray tomography techniques provide 3D images of the investigated samples and thereby allow to actually look inside the materials. Therefore, these techniques are widely applied and invaluable in the materials characterization field. In comparison to laboratory X-ray systems, synchrotron tomography and microscopy techniques provide data with higher resolution, higher sensitivity and higher acquisition speed. The latter is particularly relevant when the sample in question is not static, i.e. if processes and changes are to be visualized during the tomographic analysis.

The imaging beamline P05 (IBL) provides micro- and nanotomography techniques at energies between 5 keV and 50 keV and delivers 3D data with resolutions from 30 nm (nanotomography), 1 µm (absorption contrast microtomography) and 5 µm (phase contrast microtomography). The flexible design of the experimental stations allows for the investigation of samples with diameters up to 10 mm and even larger by using stitching. Complex in situ sample environments like tensile testers, ovens or nanoindenters can also implemented. Phase contrast imaging methods like inline phase contrast and grating based phase contrast are available besides regular absorbtion contrast imaging and provide high optical contrast even if the density contrast in the sample is very low.

For samples with extremely high attenuation to X-rays, the beamline P05 is complemented by microtomography techniques P07 operating at photon energies of up to 150 keV and thereby highly increased penetration.

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