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RISE unique combination of surface sensitive methods enables us to provide in-depth measurements and analyses, based on a variety of approaches, for faster and more reliable results.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPSUsed for analysing a material’s surface chemistry. It can measure the elemental composition and the electronic and chemical state of a material’s atoms.More info), also known as electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), is a highly surface sensitive and powerful tool for surface chemical analysis, with the analysis depth 2-10 nanometer. XPS provides quantitative data of both the elemental composition and different chemical states of an element (i.e. different oxidation states, functional groups, etc.).
The surface sensitivity of XPSUsed for analysing a material’s surface chemistry. It can measure the elemental composition and the electronic and chemical state of a material’s atoms.More info method is useful in many different applications, e.g. adhesion issues in laminates, after surface modification/treatment, corrosion issues, after cleaning of surfaces, determine amount and thickness of an adsorbed layer, detection of surfactant migration in water-based systems, etc.
Get access to RISE laboratory based XPS to characterize the surface chemistry of your material. Contact us for industry-related research and collaboration.
For example, if you plan for synchrotron XPS measurements it can be a good idea to first screen your samples with a lab based XPS, and gain information that can be used in application for funding
Marie Ernstsson Senior Project Manager
+46 10 516 60 43