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    Neutron scattering can be applied to a range of scientific questions, spanning the realms of physics, chemistry, geology, biology and medicine. The European Spallation Source will be a prominent part of the future landscape of global research infrastructures, providing experimental possibilities to researchers from academia as well as Industry. The long neutron pulses (3 ms) of ESS are inherently advantageous to designing flexibility into the instruments. Tailoring the pulse width adjusts resolution and bandwidth, enabling investigations of structures and dynamics over several length- and time-scales.

    ESS is putting special emphasis on creating and using first-class software for instrument control, data processing, analysis, and visualisation. ESS strives towards improved understanding of increasingly complex phenomena, representing reality. Complexity can mean a multitude of interrelated physical properties within the materials or studying real-world heterogeneous samples within their (extreme and natural) environment. Combing state-of-the-art sample environment equipment and laboratories with the higher brilliance will allow the study of smaller real-world samples. Neutrons serve as a unique probe for revealing the structure and function of matter from the microscopic down to the atomic scale. Using neutrons for research enables us to investigate the world around us as well as to develop new materials and processes to meet the needs of society. Neutrons are frequently used to address the grand challenges, to improve and develop new solutions for health, the environment, clean energy, IT and more.