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Optimizing novel cellulose dry-forming method
The Swedish start-up Yangi AB collaborated with the Danish Technology Institute (DTI) and implemented X-ray scattering measurements at DESY‘s synchrotron ring PETRA III, for understanding the effects of manufacturing compression conditions to the mechanical properties of more sustainable packaging solutions.
Transforming packaging portfolios
Cellulose materials fulfill the key requirements of recyclability, rigidity, sustainability and 3D formation, making them a viable alternative to replace rigid plastic. Yangi AB has developed a ground-breaking, dry-forming technology to create 3D-formed, cellulose-based packaging that doesn’t need any process water, by using a combination of air-laid formation and fast pressing of the cellulose fibers. This technology promises lower energy consumption and lower CO2 emissions.
The structure of the cellulose material is important for the final performance of the product. Structural features such as the fibril arrangement and the degree of crystallinity can be probed at a broad range of length scales.
Testing of processing parameters
To cover this broad range the final product was tested by characterizing the samples using ultra-small-angle and wide-angle X-ray scattering (USAXSSuitable for investigating the structure of partially ordered materials and systems, and characterising structures at various length scales and fast measurement times.More info and WAXSAnalogous to X-ray Powder Diffraction (XPD), it is used for investigating partially ordered materials and providing information about crystallization processes.More info) with high flux synchrotron radiation. WAXS delivers information at the nanometer scale, and USAXS at the micrometer scale. The measurements of this project have been carried out at PETRA III’s Micro- and Nanofocus X-ray Scattering Beamline P03. Due to the extremely high brilliance of PETRA III, the necessary photon flux is available to collect high quality data from weak scattering materials like cellulose, which is not possible at a lab-based X-ray source.
The synchrotron radiation opened up a path to understand the microfibrils’ alignment and changes in the crystallinity of the product better, depending on various temperatures and pressures.This can further lead to the optimization of the compression procedure and selection of the raw material, as well as a better design of a compressed shape.
“I had a great experience collaborating with DTI. It was clear from the start that they were knowledgeable, expertly guiding us through the design process of our experiment,
delivering beneficial and timely results. Their method gave us valuable insight into developing our own process within Yangi.”
-Polina Naidjonoka, Material Scientist at Yangi AB
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Yangi AB